Main research interests are the influence of neurotransmitters on the cross-elevation ability of bone marrow stem cells in the differentiation of dendritic cells. Elucidating the phenomenon and mechanism of acetylcholine N-type receptor agonists regulating the cross-presentation of dendritic cell antigens.
Educational background:
1985-1990: Bachelor of Clinical Medicine, Xuzhou Medical College
1993-1996: Master of Shandong Medical University
2005-2008: Ph.D., Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Work experience:
1990-2002: Xuzhou Medical College
2003-present: School of Medicine, Xiamen University
Selected Publications
1.Yi Na Jiang, Hong Qiong Yan, Xiao Bo Huang, Yi Nan Wang, Qing Li, Feng Guang Gao Interleukin 6 trigged ataxia-telangiectasia mutated activation facilitates lung cancer metastasis via MMP-3/MMP-13 up-regulation. Oncotarget. 2015; DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.5825
2.Yan HQ, Huang XB, Ke SZ, Jiang YN, Zhang YH, Wang YN, Li J, Gao FG.IL-6 augments lung cancer chemotherapeutics resistance via ATM/NF-kappaB pathway activation. Cancer Sci. 2014 Jul 2. doi: 10.1111/cas.12478
3.Zhang YH, Yan HQ, Wang F, Wang YY, Jiang YN, Wang YN, Gao FG. TIPE2 inhibits TNF-α-induced hepatocellular carcinoma cell metastasis via Erk1/2 downregulation and NF-κB activation.Int J Oncol. 2015 Jan;46(1):254-64. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2014.2725
4.Jin HJ, Sui HX, Wang YN, Gao FG*. Nicotine up-regulated 4-1BBL expression by activating Mek-PI3K pathway augments the efficacy of bone marrow-derived dendritic cell vaccination. J Clin Immunol. 2013 Jan;33(1):246-54
5.Jin HJ, Li HT, Sui HX, Xue MQ, Wang YN, Gao FG*. Nicotine stimulated bone marrow-derived dendritic cells could augment HBV specific CTL priming by activating PI3K-Akt pathway. Immunology Letters.2012;146(1-2):40-49
6.Gao FG, Wan da F, Gu JR. Ex vivo nicotine stimulation augments the efficacy of therapeutic bone marrow-derived dendritic cell vaccination. Clinical Cancer Research 2007; 13(12):3706-12.
7.Gao FG, Khammanivong V, Liu WJ, Leggatt GR, Frazer IH, Fernando GJ. Antigen-specific CD4+ T cell help is required to acquired to activate a memory CD8+ T cell to a fully functional tumor killer cell. Cancer Research 2002,62(22):6438
8.Wang YY, Hu CF, Li J, You X, Gao FG. Increased translocation of antigens to endosomes and TLR4 mediated endosomal recruitment of TAP contribute to nicotine augmented cross-presentation. Oncotarget. 2016 May 20. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.9498.