• 12-03


    The Artful Script: Our School's Calligraphy Exploration

    Art of Chinese Calligraphy Writing(Weisun Ng-Qureshi)Chinese calligraphy is an art, a time capsule and a culture. With an extended history going thousands of years back, through many dynasties, the unique growth of Chinese calligraphy is seen through the elegancy and complexity of characters. Chinese calligraphy has been passed down by many scholars from the famous Wang XiZhi (303-361) of Jin d...

  • 11-15




  • 10-29


    Exploring the Depths of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Xiamen University's Chinese Medicine Garden

    By Niranjani A.M / Shruthi SriramHealing through Qi and EarthNestled within the serene surroundings of Xiamen University's Xiang'an Campus lies the Chinese Medicine Garden, a living testament to the rich legacy and contemporary significance of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This garden is more than just a collection of plants; it is a vibrant hub that embodies the intricate history of bota...

  • 05-28


    Embracing Early Farewells: A Tribute to Graduating students

    Embracing Early Farewells: A Tribute to Graduating studentsBy Mr. ZubairAs the academic year draws to a close, the halls of educational institutions echo with the bittersweet melodies of farewells. For many graduating students, this time marks the end of an era, a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and growth. However, amidst the anticipation of commencement ceremonies and celebrato...

  • 04-23


    School of Medicine "Got Talent Show", A Cultural and Art Performance by International Indian Students

    A Cultural Extravaganza Organized by the 6th Student Union of the School of MedicineBy Anish Sivakumar (2018) Cultural events play a significant role in fostering unity, celebrating diversity, and promoting a sense of belonging within any community. Today, on 20thApril 2024 the student union of the School of Medicine organized a remarkable cultural gathering event that showcased the diverse tal...

  • 04-15


    Debate Competition

    (by Nafisa)Xiamen University's Student Union recently hosted a riveting Debate Competition that captivated audiences and showcased the university's commitment to intellectual discourse. With eloquence and conviction, participants delved into topics ranging from healthcare policy to ethical dilemmas, captivating the attention of both judges and spectators alike.Under the keen scrutiny of esteeme...

  • 12-14


    Paper Presentation 2023

    (By Nafisa)The School of Medicine at Xiamen University recently hosted a riveting paper presentation event on December 8th, where the corridors echoed with the intellectual fervor of aspiring medical minds. The event, hosted by the Student Union, stood as a platform where inquisitive minds, fueled by curiosity and driven by a quest for discovery, unveiled their remarkable research and findings....

  • 04-13



     为进一步活跃校园文化,激发境外留学生的创造力与凝聚力,医学院MBBS管理中心联合MBBS学生会,于4月2日、4月3日成功举办了MBBS留学生线上辩论赛。本次线上辩论赛共有8组辩论队24名学生参赛,邀请了医学院MBBS校友Zeeshan Yaji Mohammed医师、MBBS教师马永慧、印度籍教师MAXWELL、仙岳医院临床教师唐丰、医学院MBBS管理团队Zubair Jeelani、陈小青等10位老师分别担任预决赛的评委,医学院全体留学生积极线上观赛。本次辩论赛分...

  • 12-02


    医学院MBBS举办 “自我关怀,正念解压”心理健康系列讲座


  • 04-15


    Online Photography Contest Result Report

    Reported by Sameer MajetyPresidium5th SUSMHope everyone is healthy and staying safe in this time of  global crisis. In order to rise the spirits and promote sportsmanship and healthy vibes among the students who are stuck in their home country, the Office of School of medicine has decided to conduct competitions because little bit of healthy competition has many benefits.In accordance with this...
