Deng Wenbo

Deng Wenbo

Title: Professor, Ph.D Supervisor

Degree: Ph.D

Department: Basic Medicine Department

Research field: Reproductive Biology and Reproductive Medicine

Research focus:Mainly focusing on the molecular mechanisms of embryo implantation and decidualization, delivery initiation, and abnormalities during early pregnancy. Pregnancy is a complex and precisely regulated process by multiple factors, and there are still many unresolved mysteries in the interaction between the embryo and the mother's uterus. How to clarify this process from different directions and dimensions is the challenge we are currently facing. How mothers with successful pregnancies start labor at the right time and the underlying molecular mechanism are still unclear. Since abnormal labor initiation can lead to premature delivery or dystocia, the research team will use biological information as the main means to explore the molecular regulatory mechanisms contained in the aforementioned physiological processes in the massive data of RNA Seq, ChIP Seq, scRNA Seq, HiC, and m6A, combined with various transgenic animal models.

Education Background:

2001-2005 Bachelor of Science, School of Life Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University;

2005-2008 Master of Science, School of Life Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University;

2008-2013 Doctor of Science, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University;

Work experience:

Postdoctoral fellow at South China Agricultural University from 2013 to 2015;

Postdoctoral and Research Associate, Medical Center, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, United States, 2014-2019;

2019-2022 Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Xiamen University;

Professor, School of Medicine, Xiamen University from 2022 to present;

Selected Publications:

1.  Liu M‡, Deng W ‡, Tang L, Liu M, Bao H, Guo C, Zhang, Lu2 J, Wang H*, Lu Z*, Kong S*. Menin directs regionalized decidual transformation through epigenetically setting PTX3 as an obstacle balancing FGF and BMP signaling. Nat Commun, 2022

2. Lv H, Zhao G, Jiang P, Wang H, Wang Z, Yao S, Zhou Z, Wang L, Liu D, Deng W#, Dai J,# Hu Y#. Deciphering the endometrial niche of human thin endometrium at single-cell resolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022

3. Du L*, Deng W*, Zeng S, Xu P, Huang L, Liang Y, Wang Y, Xu H, Tang J, Bi S, Zhang L, Li Y, Ren L, Lin L, Deng W, Liu M, Chen J, Wang H, Chen D.Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals defective decidua stromal niche attributes to recurrent spontaneous abortion. Cell Prolif. 2021

4. Deng W*, Yuan J*, Cha JY, Sun XF, Bartos A, Yagita H, Hirota Y, Dey SK. Endothelial cells in the decidual bed are potential therapeutic targets for preterm birth prevention. Cell Reports. 2019 May

5. Jia Yuan*, Shizu Aikawa*, Wenbo Deng*, Amanda Bartos, Gerd Walz, Florian Grahammer, Tobias B Huber, Xiaofei Sun, Sudhansu K Dey. Primary Decidual Zone Formation Requires Scribble for Pregnancy Success in Mice. Nat Commun, 10(1),5425. 2019 Nov 28.

6. Shizu Aikawa*, Wenbo Deng*, Xiaohuan Liang, Jia Yuan, Amanda Bartos, Xiaofei Sun, Sudhansu K Dey, Uterine Deficiency of High-Mobility Group box-1 (HMGB1) Protein Causes Implantation Defects and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes, Cell Death Differ, 2019 Oct 8.

7. Jeeyeon Cha, Wenbo Deng, Jia Yuan, Sudhansu K Dey. Aspects of Rodent Implantation, Encyclopedia of Reproduction. 2018 Aug 1.

8. Yuan J*, Wenbo Deng*, Cha J, Xiaofei Sun, Jean-Paul Borg, Dey SK. Tridimensional visualization reveals direct communication between the embryo and glands critical for implantation. Nat Commun. 2018 Feb 9;9(1):603.

9. Deng WB*, Cha J*, Yuan J, Haraguchi H, Bartos A, Leishman E, Viollet B, Bradshaw HB, Hirota Y, Dey SK. p53 coordinates decidual sestrin 2/AMPK/mTORC1 signaling to govern parturition timing. J Clin Invest. 2016 Aug 1;126(8):2941-54.

10. Wei Lei, Tingting Feng, Xing Fang, You Yu, Junjie Yang, Zhen-Ao Zhao, Junwei Liu, Wenbo Deng#, Shijun Hu#. (co-corresponding author). Signature of circular RNAs in human induced pluripotent stem cells and derived cardiomyocytes. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018 Mar 9.

11. Deng WB, Liang XH, Liu JL, Yang ZM. Regulation and function of deiodinases during decidualization in female mice. Endocrinology. 2014. 155(7):2704-17.

12. Deng WB, Tian Z, Liang XH, Wang BC, Yang F, Yang ZM. Progesterone regulation of Na/K-ATPase β1 subunit expression in the mouse uterus during the peri-implantation period. Theriogenology. 2013. 79(8):1196-203. (F1000Prime Recommended).